Muni Bonds News and Perspectives

Below are bond market commentaries, strategies and analyses written by our municipal bond specialists. They are listed by date.

If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-367-2663 or e-mail us.

Stocks and Bonds and Diversification

The "Ahead of the Tape" column in The Wall Street Journal on Oct. 8, 2002, presented some interesting statistics regarding the relative performance of stocks...

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The Cost Of Waiting: 1st Anniversary

Trying to time the market? A year ago, some investors told us that they'd like to invest in municipal bonds, but felt that rates were too low and would prefer...

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The Cost Of Waiting, Part 2

In an earlier column, we discussed the tendency of some bond investors to try to outguess the market. Dissatisfied with today's yields, their strategy is to...

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Radian’s Move is Cause for Applause

Radian Group, Inc. has invested an additional $150 million in bond insurer Asset Guaranty Insurance Co. The move strengthens the company, now known as Radian...

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Asset Guaranty Insurance Co.

Ratings: S&P: 'AA' (Stable Outlook) Asset Guaranty (AG) is stronger than ever. With its financial strength rating of 'AA', reaffirmed by Standard &...

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A Prescription For Growth

I was recently the guest speaker at an investment seminar. After my presentation, I opened the floor to questions. A local physician, the spokesman for the...

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Insured Bonds are Safe Bonds

All of the major bond insurers have reported that no direct material claims are expected as a result of last week's tragedy at New York's World Trade Center...

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A Strategy For All Seasons

We are receiving many e-mails and phone calls from clients asking if we are recommending changes in asset allocation in the wake of the World Trade Center...

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My Smart Cousin The Tortoise

I have three cousins, and the oldest and youngest are so different that it's hard to believe they come from the same parents. The only thing they have in...

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