Replenishing After Muni Redemptions

Klotz on Bonds

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<h3>James A. Klotz</h3>

James A. Klotz

It’s that time of year again, the season when a stream of principal and interest is returned to municipal bond investors and issuance slows to a trickle.

A surge of redemptions, calls and interest payments isn’t unusual during late spring and summer, nor is the potential imbalance between supply and demand (“Summer Forecast: A Muni Redemption Flood, Supply Drought”)

But it does present a question as to where investors might deploy their incoming cash.

Replenishing after muni redemptions

Summertime supply lag

From May through August, analysts estimate $231 billion of municipal bonds will mature and be called, and interest payments will be made. New issuance, on the other hand, is expected to be about $160 billion during the same period.

In May alone, the supply deficit – cash available for reinvestment vs. new issuance – could reach about $16 billion, according to Raymond James. In June, it’s estimated to be $6 billion.

If new issue supply continues at a pace similar to the start of the year, supply from June through August will be about $135 billion, less than the $153 billion of principal and interested expected to be returned to investors in that time, Raymond James reported.

Attractive taxable-equivalent yields

For almost two years, money-market funds have been a siren song for many investors choosing to park their cash. Elevated yields have attracted more than $1.2 billion into these funds since October 2022.

We wonder, however, whether investors sidelining their cash have considered what happens when yields on money-market funds ease, as they invariably will.

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    Of course, we don’t know when that will happen, but we’re certain there won’t be a clear, discernible signal to investors that’s it’s precisely the right time shift their cash.

    What’s clear, though, is that tax-free bond yields are at years-long highs. Consider, for example, that the taxable equivalent yield on 30-year, A-rated municipal bonds for investors paying a 40.8% tax rate was recently a whopping 7.23%.

    Plan now

    With a supply/demand imbalance, we expect municipal yields to ease and municipal-to-Treasury yield ratios and spreads to narrow.

    For investors with cash to invest, preparing for what’s next will help ensure an uninterrupted flow of tax-free income.

    We know a mass of redemptions and interest payments is on the horizon. Fortunately, for those who plan, now is a particularly advantageous time to put their cash to work.

    James A. Klotz is the President of FMSbonds, Inc.
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    May 16, 2024

    Please note that all investing entails risk. Fixed income securities are subject to risks that will affect their value prior to maturity. Some of these risks can be related to changes in market conditions, issuer creditworthiness, and interest rates. This commentary is not a recommendation to buy or sell a specific security. All references to tax-free income refer to U.S. federal income tax. Income earned by certain investors may be subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), and or taxation by state and local authorities. Please consult with your tax professional prior to investing. For more information on these topics please click on the “Bond Basics” link below or search by keyword at the top of this page.